Alright ladies… lets get real here for a second. Target is pretty much the end zone of our lives, right? We walk in, grab our Starbucks (which is all too conveniently placed right by the entrance) and then strut the aisles as if it were our own personal run way. If we pass another mommy-hood team member we give a polite nod, sneak a peek at what’s in their cart, and continue on our way. As the coffee starts pumping through our veins that ‘1 item’ we came here for turns into 2 and then into 3 all of a sudden—BAM-— the black out happens!
When we come to, our cart is overflowing with things we didn’t even know we needed. Bluetooth Jump Rope-TOUCHDOWN! Gold Bird Tape Dispenser- TOUCHDOWN! Hearth & Hand With Magnolia accent bowl because Joanna Gaines is life- TOUCHDOWN! The list goes on…but at the very bottom of our shopping cart we DID manage to get the 1 thing we came for— and that tube of toothpaste that sure seemed to sparkle. Mission accomplished. Proudly, we pat ourselves on the back for a job well done and begin to scan our must-have finds at the self checkout. In the midst of our scanning, a panic starts to sink in….what will the husband think? Will he have the same appreciation for the Gold Bird Tape Dispenser that I do? Will he find the Bluetooth Jump Rope a necessity to start our 9th fitness journey this year…I surely think it will motivate, but will he? We try to think of a solution… I mean after all, simply putting these items back on the shelf and walking away with just toothpaste is NOT an option. We think to ourselves…now if only Target sold men, they would surely be perfect. They would certainly encourage shopping sprees, wouldn’t they? I mean after all, Target is their home base (and if my mama ever taught me anything it is to never forget where you came from)…..
For Christy, this dream came true. On her 32nd birthday, Christy purchased her perfect man at Target.